Real Time
All The Time
Our New Personal Aerosol Monitor



More powerful, compact and equipped than the previous generation of monitors, EcomZen 2 continuously measures up to 11 parameters including indoor air quality and environ­mental parameters (temperature, pressure, relative humi­dity, noise and brightness) with professional grade accuracy.

In addition to boasting a metrological precision ideal for sensitive environments, EcomZen 2 meets regulations and health codes for public places as well as HQE, WELL and BREEAM sustainable building certification requirements.

An all-in-one solution, EcomZen 2 features state-of-the-art technologies. Its dual-core microprocessor and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) mode doubles its executing power yet keeps it ultra-connected and energy efficient.

Its new built-in wall mounting system makes it a breeze to install. It can also be recessed or placed on a flat surface to blend seamlessly with any interior.



  • Powerful, compact and affordable
  • Easy to install and use
  • Built-in multi-parameter system
  • Calibration process giving accurate measurement
  • Optimized maintenance - recycling program



  • Day-care centers, educational institutions
  • Smart buildings, offices
  • Hospitals
  • Train and airport concourses
  • Malls, hotels, performing arts venues

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